Under Construction
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Under Construction

You may have noticed that we are currently renovating our stage at the church. I thought that it might be a good time for us to study the way that God does renovations in our lives. In the Hope Church logo, there is a little budding leaf in the O, and it symbolizes growth. We believe that we can grow more and more in the likeness of Jesus Christ. That process has been described by theologians as “sanctification.”

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Good Things are Happening!
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Good Things are Happening!

I am excited to share with you that the first phase of a special Worship Center upgrade at Hope has begun. Over the next several weeks, you will notice some changes in our Worship Center. First, the carpet on our stage is being changed. We also plan to change the sound panels that surround the stage, do some painting, and upgrade our stage lighting. This will be an ongoing process that we have been looking forward to for some time. We do not anticipate that the construction will impact our Sunday morning worship services, but it might lead to us adjusting where we meet for the prayer meeting or The Chosen on Wednesday evenings. 

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The Source of Peace
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

The Source of Peace

Happy New Year! 

New Year's Day gives us a special opportunity to look forward to 2025 and anticipate the good things God will do in and through us in the new year. Last month, in these weekly emails, I unpacked the prophecy of Isaiah in which he declared, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6 ESV) Today, I want to focus on the last part of that statement, that Jesus will be our ”Prince of Peace.”

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Our Forever Father
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Our Forever Father

Merry Christmas!

I hope you are having a very special day, and that you are enjoying the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. When Isaiah prophesied 700 years prior to the birth of Jesus, about the gift of Jesus, he said, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6 ESV)

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Our Mighty God, Given to Us as a Child
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Our Mighty God, Given to Us as a Child

One of the most incredible words in all of scripture is Immanuel, which means God with us. The concept of Immanuel, that God became flesh and walked among us, is profound and overwhelming. The way that the hymn writer put it, the “fullness of God in helpless babe,” is a powerful way for us to understand that Jesus was truly Immanuel, the Mighty God, in the flesh of an infant. Jesus was like the 360,000+ babies that are born each day in our world – needy, vulnerable, and dependent. Jesus underwent the humility of being completely reliant on His mother for food, protection, and comfort.

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Jesus: Our Wonderful Counselor
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Jesus: Our Wonderful Counselor

Life has a way of putting us in some very challenging situations. I can think of few things that we need more these days than good counsel in our lives. I am convinced that with technology we have an abundance of counselors available. We have endless sources of information that tell us how to think, how to feel, and how to deal with life’s challenges. Judging by the number of mystical fortune tellers that exist in and around our community, we know that many people today are seeking spiritual answers to life’s greatest challenges. Thankfully, we have access to the one that Isaiah described as our “Wonderful Counselor.”

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The Greatest Gift Ever Given
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

The Greatest Gift Ever Given

Can you remember knowing about a particular gift long before you received it? Perhaps you accidentally stumbled on it, or maybe you were a rascal like me and went looking to discover your hidden unwrapped gifts? Sometimes, knowing a gift is coming helps to build anticipation for the day that you receive it.

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The #1 Reason Your Friends Won’t Come to Church
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

The #1 Reason Your Friends Won’t Come to Church

This special Thanksgiving weekend and the kickoff of our Christmas season give us a wonderful opportunity to invite others to join us at Hope. It might surprise you that research done by various groups on the topic of church involvement consistently concludes that a personal invitation is the most effective way to get someone you know to come to church. That is more effective than billboards, signs, and other traditional forms of advertisement.

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What He Has Done!
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

What He Has Done!

I am grateful to celebrate that we had a wonderful Annual Meeting last Wednesday night. It was a special time together and we have plenty to thank the Lord for at Hope. I want to ask you to join me in praying for our Elder team which faithfully serves to lead our church family. Stephen Campanella, Jeff Laird, and George Pana were elected to 3-year elder terms that begin in January.

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Why I Love Our Annual Meeting
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Why I Love Our Annual Meeting

I am looking forward to tonight’s annual meeting and I invite you to join us. This is one of the more important gatherings of our church family each year. It is not just a time for elections and approving our budget for 2025. It is also a wonderful time for us to look back on this past year and to celebrate some of the exciting things that God has done in and through our Hope Church family. I hope that you are able to join us! 

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Annual Report 2024
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Annual Report 2024

This has been a wonderful year for Hope Church! As a church, we believe that God has called us to go deep in our faith and wide in our influence…by diligently following Christ, growing together, serving our neighbors, and proclaiming God’s love.

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When Life Feels Unsettled
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

When Life Feels Unsettled

It has been said jokingly that, The only people who like change are babies and bankers. Change is hard and something we can all agree on is that our world is changing, our country is changing, and our community is changing. While we may or may not like the changes that are swirling about us, in Matthew 24, the Lord Jesus warned that the world will go through some major changes as His imminent return approaches. He wants us to remember that believers who persevere and keep serving Him will be able to handle whatever life throws at them. Jesus taught that when life feels unsettled, He is still in control.

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A Prayer for the Upcoming Election
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

A Prayer for the Upcoming Election

There are reminders all around us that it is election season. I am so grateful to live in a country where we can vote and help decide who will be given leadership in our local, state, and national government. I believe it is a privilege to participate in that process. I appreciate that God’s Word clearly teaches that, “there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” (Romans 13:1b ESV)

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Christian Fellowship When We Disagree
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Christian Fellowship When We Disagree

Christian community and unity is taught in God’s Word and is an expectation for all Christian believers, but what happens when we disagree on significant things? When we get together and find that we hold different views; perhaps we have different political leanings or convictions that do not mesh with one another. I believe that it is possible to share true fellowship even when we disagree, and my hope in this note is to share a pathway forward when we do not get along, based upon a helpful article that can be found here.

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Our Need for Real Fellowship
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Our Need for Real Fellowship

When we use the word fellowship in the church, I would guess that it conjures up images of potlucks and coffee in-between services. I think we see fellowship as optional, like showing up early for a football game. We might enjoy the pre-game ceremonies, but we do not always approach it as being a command or essential. That mindset contradicts the biblical understanding of fellowship – it is essential.

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Global Missions Weekend
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Global Missions Weekend

Hope Church is a part of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, otherwise known as the C&MA or The Alliance. The C&MA is an evangelical denomination full of believers who long to introduce the love of God to all nations.

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Community Killers
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Community Killers

Recently in my weekly emails, I have been focusing on the “one another” statements of scripture. These statements teach us how to experience true Christian community. Some of them also warn us against the things that can hinder Christian community. This week I want to focus on three “community killers” that might be hindering our growth as a church family.

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Burden-Bearing Fellowship
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Burden-Bearing Fellowship

Have you ever attempted something alone and then quickly realized that you desperately needed help? I was using a ladder once when a gust of wind blew it over, stranding me on the roof. I found myself desperately needing to “phone a friend” with no option other than to reach out for help. All too often we have a do-it-yourself (DIY) mindset when it comes to life. Unfortunately, DIY does not always work out very well. It has been well said that we forget that we need others until we need others!

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Warm Embrace
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Warm Embrace

One of the strangest “one another” statements in God’s Word is that we are told in multiple places to greet one another with a kiss. If you don’t believe me, check out some of these examples in scripture:

  • Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you. (Romans 16:16 ESV)

  • All the brothers send you greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss. (1 Corinthians 16:20 ESV)

  • Greet one another with a holy kiss. (2 Corinthians 13:12 ESV)

  • Greet one another with the kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ. (1 Peter 5:14 ESV)

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Open Doors
Shawn Brennan Shawn Brennan

Open Doors

At Hope Church we talk about community a lot! When we talk about community, we are talking about the type of life that God has designed for us to thrive in. When we talk about true community, we mean that we are committed to living out all of God’s instructions for His Church. The Biblical truth is that Christians don’t go to church; we are the Church. God’s people are the Church when we love and serve each other in the way that God has designed us. 

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