Our Story

In 2009, Grace Church, in Middleburg Heights, began the process of planting a church in Brunswick. They brought pastors on staff to lead this church plant, and a core group of people from Grace, as well as others from the community of Brunswick, began to meet together. Through a class on Sunday mornings at Grace and a prayer meeting every Thursday evening, God continued to develop the launch team. Informational meetings were held in Brunswick, and the word began to spread that Hope Church was soon to begin.

Deep & Wide Vision

“We go Deep in our faith and Wide in our influence …by diligently following Christ, growing together, serving our neighbors, and proclaiming God’s love.”


We diligently follow Jesus Christ

  • We commit to applying God’s Word.

  • We consistently worship God corporately and sacrificially.

  • We are desperately dependent upon the Holy Spirit.

  • We are disciples that make disciples.

We grow together

  • We connect and grow in community groups.

  • We use our spiritual gifts for the benefit of others.

  • We love one another sacrificially and forgive graciously.

  • We fiercely defend unity by speaking truth in love. 


 We serve our neighbors

  • We diligently pursue relationships outside the church.

  • We practice true hospitality and meet tangible needs. 

  • We choose to show the love of Christ.

We proclaim God’s love

  • We pray fervently for those who are lost.

  • We are committed to sharing and showing the gospel to our neighbors.

  • We believe that all people matter to God and matter to us.

  • We make disciples of all nations: here, there, and everywhere.