“They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts”
Life is better when you do it together
Sharing our joys and burdens, growing in our faith, and holding each other accountable in our walk with God
Discipleship is more than just a good idea
Discipleship is at the core of what we do. We start with the simple command, to go and “make disciples” – so we journey life together, making disciples.
We Are All On Mission
We are all called to missions, some are called to the local community, others to other communities, and others to places abroad.

What Happens Next
Then We Multiply
The true fruit of an apple tree isn’t apples, but rather more apple trees. The true fruit of a strong leader is not followers, but more strong leaders. The true fruit of a healthy church is not congregants, but more healthy churches. God has designed the world to be one that reproduces and multiplies
You Are An Essential Part
Interested in joining a group? Let us know below so that we can help you to visit one of our groups