Spiritual Preparation for Listening

One of the most intriguing classes that I took in seminary was also one of my favorites. The title of the class was Spiritual Preparation for Preaching. It was profound for me to think about all that ought to be done in preparation for preaching a sermon that goes beyond the nuts and bolts of writing a sermon. It is a spiritual process, and apart from God’s work we know that we can accomplish nothing.

I do not want listening to a sermon to feel like a waste of your time, so what about your spiritual preparation for listening to a sermon? I think that taking some time to prepare can go a long way to helping you grow in your walk with God. I appreciate the eight questions that Pastor Marvin Williams recommends that we ask ourselves in preparation for listening to God’s Word: 

  1. Do I expect God to speak? Do we anticipate that God has something timely and important to say to us, or are we just trying to determine if the sermon is “good or bad?” We need to ask ourselves the humble question, “Am I ready to learn from God today?”

  2. Have I spent time confessing and repenting of known sin? Listening to the sermon is ultimately a heart issue. Williams points out that, “The condition of our hearts determines the depth of our hearing… We cannot harbor sin and hide the Word in the same heart. One will eventually evict the other.” I believe that something is grating about a good sermon – at times it hurts. The writer of Hebrews reminds us, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Heb 4:12-13 ESV) As Christopher Ash puts it, “The word of God spoken by a faithful Bible teacher will get under my skin.”

  3. Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me listen to His inspired word? We need the Holy Spirit to listen effectively to what God wants to say to us. Spend time praying, asking the Holy Spirit for effective listening to the Word of God. 

  4. What is my plan to obey what I hear? We know that there is a huge temptation for us to be hearers of God’s Word and not doers. Part of the antidote to that is for us to commit to personally and specifically applying the message to our lives.

  5. Have I prayed for the preacher? This is one question Williams asks that I did not expect, but I love it. That might sound selfish, but it is actually a wonderful thought…as Williams states, “Satan wants to distract you, but he intends to distract the preacher more. If he can distract and attack the preacher, he can cheat and defraud you from the truth that might set you free and give you breakthrough that day. Pray for the preacher’s study time, family time, personal prayer time, physical, emotional and spiritual health and transformation.”

  6. Am I living the truth I already know? I think this is why pastors preach the same message…Paul admitted to it in Hebrews 5:12, they needed to live the truth that they had already heard.

  7. Am I willing to ask questions about what the preacher said? We need to be “Berean” and eagerly search scripture to determine if what is being taught is true. (Acts 17:11)

  8. With whom will I share what I have heard? I love this question. We all know how powerful a happy customer can be for a business when they share their positive experience with others. How much more powerful can an active recipient of God’s truth be in sharing that truth with others? This can really help us apply God’s truth, as we aspire to share it with others.

I believe if we apply these questions to our sermon preparation and listening, it will go a long way to help us grow in our ability to receive what God has for each of us.




The Power of Consistency


“Lord Teach Me!”