
Jesus said something quite profound when He told His disciples that they need to, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.” (Luke 12:1b ESV) This might be the type of warning that is easy for us to sort of skim over. It is hard for us to relate to. As a group, the Pharisees are one of the most prominent villains in the New Testament. They are constantly arguing with Jesus, attempting to trick and trap Him. They are deeply involved in the murder of Jesus. We have a number of recorded confrontations with them such as, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” (Matt 23:27-28 ESV). 

Jesus called it as it was – they looked nice on the outside, but were full of dead and stinky things. The Pharisees were famously hypocritical; they worried about appearances far more than they did about having a sincere faith in God. Our knowledge of just how bad the Pharisees were makes it hard for us to hear Jesus’s warning when He said to His disciples, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.” I am not much of a bread maker, but Google tells me that leaven permeates flour and expands to help determine the texture, flavor, and shape of the final baked good. Okay, Jesus is saying…beware of this small thing that can have a big impact. The problem with His warning is that it hits close to home when you look at the external actions and commitments of the Pharisees.

In his book, "Pleasing God: Discovering the Meaning and Importance of Sanctification," R.C. Sproul identifies several uncomfortable ways that we might relate to the Pharisees. 

1. The Pharisees were evangelistic. They were known for their evangelistic pursuits and desire to share God with the world. (Matt 23:15) 

2. The Pharisees were tithers. They were deeply committed to giving lavishly and sacrificially to God. (Matt 23:23) 

3. The Pharisees were committed to prayer and known for their lavish and flowery prayers. 

4. The Pharisees read their Bibles. Jesus famously rebuked them saying, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me…” (John 5:39  ESV). In other words, He is saying, you study your Bibles but fail to see me in your Bibles. 

Wow, unfortunately the Pharisees have some attributes that are relatable to us today. When Jesus said, Beware…, He was warning His followers like you and me to be very careful to avoid the temptation of focusing on the exterior – the religious actions that others see. We must not neglect the deeper life we can have in a relationship with Jesus. The warning is quite sharp – He wants us to be diligent to avoid slipping into their nasty little religious game. It is why we are so passionate about calling our faith a “relationship with Jesus,” not just a religious experience with God. We want to know Him and maintain a relationship with Him. The essence of the gospel is that we cannot earn our faith, but we receive His righteousness through the work of the cross.

This is our story, not one of earned blessing, but one of undeserved favor. That favor should spur us on to do what He wants us to do.




Trading It In


How Could I?