Coming Clean
One particular word stands out to me in our study of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. The word is “repent.” I think we might avoid the word because it provokes images of harsh street preachers. If I am honest, I never like to be told that I am wrong, and by definition “repent” means admitting we have been wrong and need to change our minds.
We choose to avoid the harsh reality that we sometimes need a big time change in our lives, because our situation is unsustainable. Instead of fully admitting our need, I fear that we soften it a bit, like in the story of the man who rushed into his house in a panic. His wife looked at him, and said, “Honey, what’s wrong?” He said, “We’re in some trouble.” She said, “What is it?” “It’s the car.” “What’s wrong with the car?” “Water …there’s water in the carburetor. The car won’t run.” “What?” “There’s water in the carburetor, and the car won’t work.” His wife tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. “Now, you don’t have a mechanical bone in your body. You know nothing about cars. How in the world do you know the problem with the car is water in the carburetor?” The husband hung his head and said, “I was on my phone and I accidentally drove the car into the swimming pool. There is water in the carburetor!”
That story always makes me laugh, but it is an uncomfortable laugh because I believe it is relatable in a way. While not too many of us have ditched our car in a swimming pool, we have things we would prefer to not have others find out the whole truth about. We would prefer them to have some of the truth, but not all of the hard truth of our circumstances.
Repentance begins with authentic confession – telling God and others what is going on. We know God is already acutely aware of our situation, but there is power in coming clean with Him. Repenting also requires being honest with ourselves that we are doing something wrong and are headed in the wrong direction on the highway of life. We must take a quick exit, do a complete u-turn, and get back on the right road. Until we do, we have to deal with the consequences of disobedience. Remember, the Lord disciplines those He loves because He wants us to turn back to Him.
In our study of Revelation 2-3, I have been impacted by the statement from Jesus, “I know.” We might sometimes forget our omniscient Lord knows exactly what we are and are not doing. We are like the kid in the picture above who is caught stealing an ice cream bar from the freezer. You can almost hear her say, “It wasn’t me,” while the ice cream drips down her hand. I think this is particularly relatable. To a loving Father like we have, confession can go a long way toward positive change.
Confession with others is something we need to get better at as well, because when done with humility and honesty, it can lead to help on the journey. When Jesus told those churches to repent He was not being mean to them, or harsh. Rather, He was helping them to experience the fullness of their wonderful potential. So today the question we should ask ourselves is, “What is God asking me to turn away from, what is the step I need to take towards turning away from that thing, and who am I going to include in this journey?” My God, teach us how to come clean.