The Art of Listening to God
This summer, I will focus most of my weekly emails on a topic that seems like a lost art these days – the art of listening. To be more specific, we will focus on the art of listening to God.
I plan to discuss topics that might surprise you a bit, like learning to listen to God through sermons or listening to God in creation. We will also take some time to consider how we might grow in our ability to listen to God through His word, prayer, and other believers. This study will be a valuable and meaningful journey for all of us.
James taught us to “let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak.” This is an imperative command in scripture that states be sure to do this because it is essential. God wants us to hear first before we speak. Take a few minutes today to pay attention to how we speak with one another. We often barely let others finish a thought before we speak over them. This is not a particularly new concept. Solomon wisely wrote in Proverbs, “If one answers before he hears, it is his folly and shame.” (Proverbs 18:13)
Why would God give us this command to listen before speaking? There are several reasons. Here are just a few.
When we listen before speaking, we display humility, showing that we do not believe we inherently know more than the person we are listening to.
When we listen before speaking, we give a person room to share their full thought, not just their introduction.
When we listen before speaking, we show others that we value them and their opinion.
When we listen before speaking, we treat others like we would want to be treated.
These are just a few benefits of listening. I also like a quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln that says, “Better to be quiet and let others think you a fool than to open up your mouth and remove all doubt!” I hope you will join me on this summer adventure of learning to listen up!